Off to a Great Start in 2017!
Checking in with goal progress and staying accountable!
Hi everyone!! It has been too long since my last post!! One of my goals for 2016 was to start this blog and build my studio … so falling down on blogging this early in the next year is not an option! I have found that maintaining this website and blog helps me to stay connected to other teachers as well as both current and potential students in a meaningful way! So today I was thinking back on my goals I set for this year and decided I needed to kick it off and get going! I put out a call for accountability to all my readers and want to stay on track! As you recall from my Nearly New Year post a few months ago I set the following professional goals:
- Plan and execute 2 recitals for my students per year,
- Host Saturday master classes for students every other month,
- Join NATS and get active!,
- Double the number of students in my studio by the end of 2017, and
- Build a network of other music teachers both locally and afar.
So How Am I Doing?
First, I officially joined the National Association of Teachers of Singing or NATS! And I registered for their teacher database. This is a great resource for finding students and getting your name out there!! If you are considering joining I really recommend it! The application process was pretty simple for a qualified teacher. I remember participating in NATS competitions and masters classes as a student and am excited to be on the other side of the curtain this year! Not to mention, I am excited to offer these same competitions and master class opportunities to my students! Joining NATS really ticks off two of my goal boxes, obviously #3 Joining NATS! Haha, but also jump starts #5 in helping connect me to a network of other music teachers! If NATS interests you too, check out their website at
Second, I have set the date for my first Studio Master Class. Heading into the audition season for my students most of share a common goal. This is to have great auditions for their choral placements next year. And they all want to make it through competition season with a healthy voice! My goal with this first Studio Master Class is to allow students to run though their audition music for a peer audience with an accompanist! Through this process, I hope to give students constructive feedback, experience with the accompaniment and much needed confidence. I plan to write a follow-up post after the Class so check back after April 8th!
Still in Progress
As for my other goals I am off to a great start but still just in the early stages. As for recitals I am still hunting for a good, affordable location as well as debating about the right calendar date that suits my students! I am hoping that all this first effort with make for a great first studio recital and an easier second effort! If nothing else it is providing me with a lot of blogging material!
My loftiest goal for 2017, to double the size of my studio by the end of the year is definitely underway! I have filled all but one of my existing lesson slots and am planning to open up an additional teaching day soon! Who is to say if this blog is helping but it certainly isn’t hurting and I am enjoying every minute of chronicling this journey!
How About You?
I’d love to hear your goals and how they are going! And I’d really love you to continue keeping me accountable! I hope you find this post both helpful and encouraging AND I hope to see you back here reading again soon!! Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have, ideas you would like to see posted in the future, and of course to sign up for lessons!
Until next time!
~ Alissa